Saturday, April 05, 2008

kenny's back

Well it's been a while.  Too much time spent on MySpace and other activities.  Also I had a bout with pneumonia last year that really set me back.  Have been evaluating various options like the "valve" implant at UCLA and Lung Volume Reduction Surgery and Lung Transplant.  But alas all are risky and my pulmonologist thinks the the risk far out weighs the potential benefit in my case.  So La de da.  It's curtains for me UNLESS (there's always a catch ha ha) I exercise as much as I can keeping my oxygen levels over 90 %spO2 (checked with a finger oximeter) and walking with Oxygen through a "nose hose" aka cannula.  It's not that bad.  Hardly anyone notices that much and I even go shopping with it on.  Kinda like going to a cocktail party and not drinkin'.  Most folks could care less.  More later.  Go to church and trust in the Lord.  Turn from your sins and follow Christ.  Our God is an awesome God.  The One the Only.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

kenny2003 Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Back in the US, back in the US LA

LA Life After 60
OK so I'm busy but here in Los Angeles it is still cold and damp and not fun for my empysema problem. BUT that won't stop me. My Home-schooled high schoolers that I teach on Thursdays at The H.O.P.E. Academy in Monrovia

are doing better all the time. The Physical Science students are getting more quizzical (thank heaven) and the Chemistry class is mostly doing very well. I'm proud of all of them and hope that the ones that are beginning to fall behind will pick it up by asking me for more help - I have offered it freely - we will see what happens. Nobody is failing.

I just got a DVD from Ives Street Entertainment® for whom I did an acting job in "The Mystery of the Apocalypse" - I was interviewed about whether I was ready - You bet I'm ready. It is in the last chapter and I am the first one interviewed. See one of my web sites that I'm just getting started with at

Maybe the weather will improve and I can get back to my outdoor exercises routine to help slow down the incessant progress of COPD. By golly, I'm gonna beat it back. BTW I don't smoke anymore but I'm paying the price.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

LA Life After 60

LA Life After 60 from Laconia,NH temporarily

LA Life After 60
OK I'm here in NH Brrrrr YIKERS it's a blazin' 17˚F here with snow on the ground. Today I did something for the 1st time in my life. It seems I have been very inconsistant regarding my daughter, whom I love dearly. But you would not be able to tell from my behavior of unpredictable hit or miss contact attempt. So today I went "downtown" and bought a love card and wrote a love letter to her to let her REALLY know that she is the most beautiful woman in the world and I will CONSISTANTLY let her have her Daddy's love forever and I won't be so damn self-centered and afraid to show it. In other words I'm letting her know for certain that she is worth pursueing and I will fight to get her love back of which I am clearly unworthy. In spite of my lack of much money or time - I will make time for her and keep her close in my life and hopefully she can benefit from a true father's love - she deserves much more than that. I am so proud of her and the way she leads her life. I hope we can get back.

Monday, December 19, 2005

LA Life After 60

OK I'm going to visit my beloved bro in NH for the Christmas holidays. I leave tomorrow from Burbank via Southworst Airlines and will be staying for about 2 weeks. Looking forward to much fun and celebrating the real Christmas (we are both Christian and really love Christmas). Such a wonderful gift. God's ultimate trick on Satan. Satan can only tempt us but can perform no miracles and has no real power - only the assurred knowledge of man's sinfullness keeps him in business. BUT - we have Christ who died for our sins and if we believe in Him and hold Him in our hearts and repent our sins we are assured eternal life in heaven. God has a plan and the devil's days are numbered. When Christ returns there will be a new heaven and earth for all believers. Please consider this as you live your life today. I am a member of Granada Hills Community Church. If you live in the San Fernando Valley come see us on Sundays at 10:30 service or 10:00 fellowship. I will study a while when in NH so that my students can finish out the 2nd Qtr with new knowledge about Chemistry, Physics, and Geometry. I may make an entry here during the holidays from my brother's computer. We'll see. Meanwhile check out my website made on a Mac (what else?). Gonna study podcasting too so look for that in the New Year. I'll tell ya about it here. Bye Bye.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

LA Life After 60: More On Home Schooling

Been too long since I updated. My kids are doing well but I am suffering from recurring exacerbations (symptom flare ups) with my emphysema. With the recent fires in the western San Fernando Valley to the high blustery winds of the Santa Anna's it's been a rough go keeping enough oxygen in my system to trudge onward. But onward we go; these kids are so important to me that I don't want to let them down at all. So starting tomorrow I will bring my oxygen concentrator with me; it's the portable Inogen One system made by Inogen in nearby Goletta (Santa Barbara). Check it out at to see for yourself if you or a loved one needs oxygen. My Chemistry class is the most fun and the biggest challenge. We meet at a church in Monrovia so the experiments can't be the exploding kind but have be safe. Small pops of lighting hydrogen into inverted test tubes using a 9 volt battery immersed in a solution of Sodium Bicarbonate for conductivity did the trick for the electrolysis of water demonstration (splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen). BTW my projector broke (won't power up) so I'm using a white board until I can get it fixed. Retirement is a blast. More soon.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Preparing Lectures With PowerPoint

LA Life After 60
I teach part-time (Thursdays only from September to May) several scientific subjects to a groups of Home Schooled high school students at the H.O.P.E. Academy in Monrovia, CA (near Pasadena). My classes are in Chemistry, Physical Science and Geometry. To make it more interesting and best for the students I make the lectures using OfficeMac PowerPoint and MathType software with an LCD projector. Although this takes more time to prepare the end result is much more efficient and interesting for the students and myself during class. Also the labs for Chemistry and Physical Science can be illustrated first on the screen so the students have a better idea of what's happening. So I try to think up some really cool experiments of the "wow" variety keeping in mind that safety is of paramount importance. We don't really have a laboratory - only a kitchen. So I've got some mini chem kits that I use and perform safe but illustrative experiments. The kits I prefer are "At Home Science Chem Kit 1" and "Micro Chem Kit". These can be purchased rather easily on the Internet and are not very costly. Very efficient and space saving kits and the chemistry is just as exciting and interesting. A lot of the time you can find very common everyday chem experiments that are amazing - check out's About Chemistry - it is a free email based source of information as are most of the other very good subjects so I highly recommend this for educational purposes for teachers, students and especially for home school parent educators. This home school approach to education is rapidly gaining strength especially here in Los Angeles (where all good beginnings seem to happen). Our job at H.O.P.E. Academy (Home School Options for Parent Educators) is to help parents who hit the limit of their abilities so they send their kids to us. Look us up at we always like new students and more teachers as we grow each year. Contrary to a lot of prejudice the students do not lack "people skills" in fact they are very well prepared and teaching them is extremely rewarding. Perhaps they lack the ability to dodge stray bullets or hidden knives or drugs/booze on campus, but otherwise they are ready for anything and seem to be able to find their strengths much more easily since there is a much better student to teacher ratio (6-8:1 instead of 30-40:1).